A Recovery Community Organization is an independent, nonprofit organization led and governed by representatives of local communities of recovery. These communities organize recovery-focused policy advocacy activities, carry out recovery-focused community education and outreach programs, and/or provide peer-based recovery support services (P-BRSS).
• Support recovery potential for everyone
• Represent independent and peer-led members of the recovery community
• Commit to recovery-related social change
i .e .: recovery-focused community reeducation; advocating pro-recovery social polices
• Invest in organizing recovery resources within your local community
• Offer peer-based, non-clinical recovery support services to individuals and families
• Bridge gap between clinical treatment and long- term recovery
• Work towards cultural competency
• Celebrate multiple pathways of recovery
• Advocate for personal recovery
• Provide clinical assessment or treatment
• Take positions on controversial, non-recovery partisan issues
• Act as 12-step sponsors in their volunteer role
• Provide clinical services
• Provide addiction counseling
• Exclude members based on social status, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, history of incarceration
• Promote any one pathway
Our organization is driven by the faces and voices of those with lived experiences and stakeholders in our community. Contact us today to find out how you can be a part of our steering committees, community conversations, and more. Our recovery community organization isn't the same without you!
Wilkes Recovery Revolution is looking for awesome folks to help us out at MerleFest this year — and we’d love for YOU to be part of the magic!